Chapter 6: | Memory |
Section 0: | Print copy |
Page 1: |
To provide a picture of the memory structure
of a personal computer differentiating between the various types of memory.
To gain an insight into the way DOS allocates memory and the application software uses the different areas of memory. |
Section 1, page 1: Types of memory |
Section 1, page 2: Generic memory chip |
Figure 6-1: A generic memory chip, organised as a 4K x 1 memory
Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 127.
Section 1, page 3: Memory chip animation |
Adapted from: Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 127.
Section 1, page 4: Memory interface |
The figure below shows a simplified logic diagram
for an interface with the memory chip described. 16 address lines come
from the microprocessor but only 12 are used for the chip address, the
remaining 4 lines pass through a decoder that is capable of producing 16
different chip selects, thereby selecting different chips for different
regions of the address space. All control signals are passed parallel to
a bank of eight chips whose I/Ps and O/P are connected to the eight data
lines or the data bus, giving an 8 bit word length. Replication can extend
to 16 bit or 32 bit word lengths.
The next page demonstrates this process. |
Figure 6-2: A simplified schematic diagram for a memory interface
Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 129.
Section 1, page 5: Memory interface animation |
The animation begins with the 16 address lines coming from the microprocessor.
Adapted from: Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 129.
Section 1, page 6: Static Random Access Memory (RAM) |
Section 1, page 7: ROM (Read Only Memory) |
Section 1, page 8: Dynamic RAM |
Figure 6-3: A symbolic diagram of the structure of a dynamic memory cell: The switch states for WRITE are and closed; for READ, switches , and are closed; and otherwise the switches are open.
Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 136.
Section 1, page 9: Dynamic memory cell |
The capacitor C is the memory element, the switches
(Field Effect Transistors) are controlled by the address decoding circuitry
(illustrated as toggle switches for simplicity).
To write data in memory, switches and are closed, connecting the capacitor C to the input data through the amplifier. A logic 1 charges the capacitor and a logic 0 discharges C. The switches are then opened and the capacitor is isolated from the rest of the chip. To read, the output switch connects C to a comparator which decides whether the stored voltage is less than or greater than a reference voltage. The output of the comparator is a logic 0 or logic 1 depending on the result. As the read operation may "disturb" the charged stored on the capacitor it must be followed by a recharging of the capacitor through closure of switches S4 and S2. These processes are demonstrated on the next page. |
Section 1, page 10: Dynamic memory cell animation |
The processes shown here are:
Adapted from: Stone, H.S. 1982, Microcomputer interfacing, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., p. 136.
Section 2, page 1: Memory space |
There are four types of "memory space" within the IBM system running under Microsoft DOS operating system. The types are Conventional Memory, High-DOS Memory, Extended Memory and Expanded Memory. |
Section 2, page 2: Conventional memory |
Section 2, page 3: High-DOS memory |
Section 2, page 4: Expanded memory |
Section 2, page 5: EMS page frame |
Section 2, page 6: Extended memory |
Section 3, page 1: 80286 memory space |
First Meg / Overview Memory Area Size Description 0000 - 003F 1K Interrupt Area 0040 - 004F 0.3K BIOS Data Area 0050 - 006F 0.5K System Data 0070 - 123B 71K DOS 123C - 16D2 18K Program Area 16D3 - 9FFF 548K [Available] ===Conventional memory ends at 640K==== A000 - AFFF 64K VGA Graphics B000 - B7FF 32K Unused B800 - BFFF 32K VGA Text C000 - C7FF 32K Video ROM C800 - EFFF 60K Unused F000 - FFFF 64K System ROM First Meg / Programs 123C - 1245 0.2K [Available] 1246 - 1248 0K NLSFUNC Environment 1249 - 12F5 2.7K NLSFUNC 12F6 - 145A 5.6K COMMAND 145B - 146B 0.3K COMMAND Environment 146C - 1472 0.1K GMOUSE Environment 1473 - 16D2 9.5K GMOUSE 16D3 - 9FFF 548K [Available] First Meg / Interrupts 0070: IO 01 03 04 0F 13 02CD: MSDOS 00 20 21 25 26 27 28 2A 2B 2C 2D 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 0BB4: ANSI 1B 29 0DE9: F: 15 19 116E: DOS Stacks 02 08 09 0A 0B 0D 0E 70 72 73 74 76 1249: NLSFUNC 2F 12F6: COMMAND 22 23 24 2E 1473: GMOUSE 0C 10 33 16D3: [Available] 3D 3E 3F C000: Video ROM 05 1F 43 6D F000: System ROM 06 07 11 12 14 16 17 18 1A 1C 1D 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6E 6F 71 75 77 First Meg / BIOS Data 00: Serial Ports 03F8 02F8 0000 0000 08: Parallel Ports 0378 0000 0000 0000 10: Installed Hardware 4463 12: Reserved FF 13: Memory Size in Kb 0280 15: Reserved 00 00 17: Keyboard Control 20 00 00 1A: Keyboard Head/Tail 003C 003C 1E: Keyboard Buffer 50E0 1E61 273A 0938 26: 0B30 0332 0938 0736 2E: 342E 1970 1372 316E 36: 0F09 50E0 1C0D 3C00 3E: Diskette Data 01 01 25 00 42: Diskette Status 00 00 00 07 00 0D 02 49: Display Mode 03 4A: Number of Columns 0050 4C: Regen Buffer Length 1000 4E: Regen Buffer Start 0000 50: Cursor Positions 1034 0000 0000 0000 58: 0000 0000 0000 0000 60: Cursor Type 07 06 62: Display Page 00 63: CRT Controller Base 03D4 65: 3x8 Setting 09 66: 3x9 Setting 30 67: Reset Vector 0000:0280 6B: Interrupt Occurred 00 6C: Timer Counter 0009:8954 70: Timer Overflow 00 71: Break Bit 00 72: Reset Word 0000 74: Fixed Disk Status 00 75: Fixed Disks Attached 01 76: Fixed Disk Control 00 77: Reserved 00 78: Printer Timeouts 14 14 14 14 7C: Serial Timeouts 01 01 01 01 80: Keyboard Start 001E 82: Keyboard End 003E 84: Screen Rows (Less 1) 18 85: Character Height 0010 87: Video Control States 60 F9 89: Reserved 31 0B 8B: Media Control 05 8C: Fixed Disk Data 58 00 00 8F: Reserved 47 90: Media States 15 93 92: Reserved 00 00 94: Current Cylinders 07 00 96: Keyboard State 10 97: Keyboard LED 12 98: User Wait Routine 0000:0000 9C: User Wait Count 0000:0000 A0: Wait Active Flag 00 A1: Reserved 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8: EGA Structures C000:0191 First Meg / Timings First Meg Speed PC/XT Memory AreaK/Sec Index 0000 - 9FFF 5804 11.2 A000 - B7FF1947 3.8 B800 - DFFF961 1.9 E000 - FFFF 4655 9.0
Section 4, page 1: 80386 memory space |
First Meg / Overview Memory Area Size Description 0000 - 003F 1K Interrupt Area 0040 - 004F 0.3K BIOS Data Area 0050 - 006F 0.5K System Data 0070 - 19FC 102K DOS 19FD - 2373 37K Program Area 2374 - 9FFF 498K [Available] ===Conventional memory ends at 640K==== A000 - AFFF 64K VGA Graphics B000 - B7FF 32K Mappable B800 - BFFF 32K VGA Text C000 - C7FF 32K Video ROM C800 - CFFF 32K Mappable D000 - DFFF 64K Unused E000 - EFFF 64K Page Frame F000 - FFFF 64K System ROM First Meg / Programs Memory Area Size Description 19FD - 1B13 4.4K COMMAND 1B14 - 1B18 0.1K [Available] 1B19 - 1B59 1K COMMAND Environment 1B5A - 1B70 0.4K [Available] 1B71 - 1B7A 0.2K STUB 1B7B - 1BB0 0.8K REDIR400 1BB1 - 1BF8 1.1K SAVE 1BF9 - 1D67 5.7K SCH 1D68 - 217D 16K DLL 217E - 22CD 5.3K EMSLOAD 22CE - 2373 2.6K DNNETHLD 2374 - 9FFF 498K [Available] First Meg / Interrupts 0070: IO 01 03 04 0F 19 0123: MSDOS 20 21 25 26 27 28 2B 2C 2D 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0B84: QEMM386 15 4B 67 0C1C: ANSI 1B 29 123B: MOUSE 0C 10 33 1988: DOS Stacks 02 08 0A 0B 0E 72 73 74 76 19FD: COMMAND 22 23 24 2E 1B7B: REDIR400 05 17 2F 1BF9: SCH 0D 1A 6C 70 1D68: DLL 09 6B 217E: EMSLOAD 13 69 22CE: DNNETHLD 2A 5C 6E C000: Video ROM 1F 43 6D E000: Page Frame 00 F000: System ROM 06 07 11 12 14 16 18 1C 1D 40 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5D 5E 5F 68 6A 6F 71 75 77 First Meg / BIOS Data 00: Serial Ports 03F8 02F8 0000 0000 08: Parallel Ports 0378 0002 0002 0000 10: Installed Hardware C463 12: Reserved BF 13: Memory Size in Kb 0280 15: Reserved 00 00 17: Keyboard Control 20 00 00 1A: Keyboard Head/Tail 003C 003C 1E: Keyboard Buffer 316E 1769 2166 1265 26: 1F73 1474 342E 1970 2E: 1372 316E 1C0D 3C00 36: 0 F09 50E0 1C0D 1E61 3E: Diskette Data 01 81 25 00 42: Diskette Status 04 00 00 06 01 07 02 49: Display Mode 03 4A: Number of Columns 0050 4C: Regen Buffer Length 1000 4E: Regen Buffer Start 0000 50: Cursor Positions 1029 0000 0000 0000 58: 0000 0000 0000 0000 60: Cursor Type 07 06 62: Display Page 00 63: CRT Controller Base 03D4 65: 3x8 Setting 09 66: 3x9 Setting 30 67: Reset Vector 0C3A:0184 6B: Interrupt Occurred 00 6C: Timer Counter 0008:6839 70: Timer Overflow 00 71: Break Bit 00 72: Reset Word 0000 74: Fixed Disk Status 00 75: Fixed Disks Attached 01 76: Fixed Disk Control 08 77: Reserved 00 78: Printer Timeouts 14 14 14 34 7C: Serial Timeouts 01 01 01 01 80: Keyboard Start 001E 82: Keyboard End 003E 84: Screen Rows (Less 1) 18 85: Character Height 0010 87: Video Control States 60 09 89: Reserved 11 0B 8B: Media Control 05 8C: Fixed Disk Data 58 00 00 8F: Reserved 37 90: Media States 15 07 92: Reserved 00 00 94: Current Cylinders 06 00 96: Keyboard State 10 97: Keyboard LED 12 98: User Wait Routine 0000:0000 9C: User Wait Count 0000:0000 A0: Wait Active Flag 01 A1: Reserved 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8: EGA StructuresC000: 432F First Meg / Timings First Meg Speed PC/XT Memory Area K/Sec Index Memory Cache 10798 20.8 0000 - 9FFF 7606 14.7 A000 - B7FF 3162 6.1 B800 - BEFF 1114 2.2 BF00 - BFFF 1463 2.8 C000 - CFFF 7581 14.6 D000 - DFFF 933 1.8 E000 - EFFF 1059 2.0 F000 - FFFF 7593 14.7
Section 5, page 1: Required reading |
Reading 6-1
Microsoft MS-DOS--User's guide and reference pp. 274-291 (Resource Materials Book 2) |
Section 6, page 1: Chapter evaluation |
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